Natural remedies to sunburn

Sun exposure is found to be important to the body in various ways and totally avoiding the sun is unwise and unnecessary. It is advisable for one to enjoy the positive effects of the sun exposure without any harm continuously. In the case of sunburn occurring in the skin, it is advisable to apply the following methods of natural remedies.

Aloe Vera
It is loaded with powerful glycol-nutrients that effectively accelerate healing. Cut a matured Aloe Vera leaf open and use the thick gel-like juice that comes out of it. The gel is used as a topical ointment to reduce redness and the sting on the sunburned skin. It should be applied five times a day until the condition improves.

Potatoes have starch-based compounds that can help soothe sunburn. Chop into slices an uncooked potato and rub or pat down a piece on the sore, sunburned spots. A cold raw potato can also be gritted and applied as a poultice to heal the skin.

The acetic acid present in vinegar is said to reduce itching, pain, and inflammation. Add a glass of cider vinegar into the bath water and use it to soak your burned skin. It can also work like natural aspirin. Simply dab a bit of white vinegar onto your sunburn for 20 minutes of instant pain relief.

Wide-brimmed hat or cap
Wearing a wide-brimmed cap or hat protects the eyes and face. The skin around such areas is thinner than other areas of the body hence is more at risk for premature wrinkling and cosmetic photo damage.

Moisturize your skin naturally
It is important to moisturize the natural skin before sunbathing organic coconut oil on the exposed areas of the skin. It does not only moisturize the skin to prevent dryness but also give the body additional metabolic benefits.

Reduce exposure to the sun
In case you are a fairly light-skinned person who easily gets burns, you need to limit the initial exposure to a few minutes mainly in the middle summer season.  In the early or late season, a dark-skinned individual can safely have 30 minutes on the initial exposure. In case you are deeply pigmented, it is possible not even to have any worry about the timing of your exposure.

Balanced diet
A balanced diet having all the essential minerals and vitamins is important for the body in many areas. These minerals act as an internal type of sunscreen that allows maximum exposure to the sun while minimizing the risks. Dietary sources that provide effective antioxidants and vitamins include whole fresh vegetables and fruits.