How to get shiny nails

The whole appearance of the body will always look incomplete if the nails are not done any matter how wonderful the dress you are wearing looks. In trying to improve the look in the nails, many people apply a coat of nail paint of different colors. The paint makes the nails shine but is not a long term strategy. Some paints are proven to damage the nails due to their effects or when being removed to replace the color paint.

Getting shiny and glorious nails is not a tough row to hoe as other may take it. There are natural home remedies that can be used to give a drastic result. The kitchen cabinet has ingredient s that can work wonders for clean, healthy, and shiny nails. These ingredients include -

Petroleum jelly 
The use of petroleum jelly is effective when used as it results in gaining shiny nails. Vaseline or any other petroleum jelly can be applied to the nails before or after taking a bath to nourish he nails.

Olive oil
Olive oil is known to be a natural home remedy for various skin functions and body organs. Massage the nails with warm olive oil regularly to have clean and shining nails all the time.

Fish oil
Fish oil is not only good for the human health but can also be used on both the foot and fingernails. It is very effective to be used on the nails especially during cold weather like winter seasons.

Warm water
Who might have thought that warm water can be used in the nail? Dab the nails in warm water several times regularly and see the wonder of its results.

The nails always produce dead cells as one grows. Use a scrubber on the nails once a week to remove the cells and make them look nice.

Drink Lots of water
Drink a lot of water regularly to get a glowing and shiny, glossy look on the nails since water is necessary for all body cells including those that form the nails.

A balanced diet
The formation of nails requires sufficient keratin and calcium ion. Eating a balanced diet rich in the two nutrients also results to good looking nails.

For good looking nails, one should take good care of them and avoid practices like biting the nails or applying acetone based nail prints. Also file the nails regularly after a fresh bath when the nails are soft and clean.  

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