How to remove facial hair from home

The beauty of the face can be filched by unwanted hair appearing on the cheeks, forehead, upper lips or chin. For this reason, many people apply many different chemical-laden hair removal products in the market that in the long run can damage the sensitivity of the skin. In case you want to avoid using wax, shave frequently, or hide your facial hair by bleaching, using natural home remedies is the best and most effective solution for you.

The home remedies are proven to be effective in effortlessly removing the stubborn and undesired facial hair. One only needs to be patient since the home remedies take a longer time to show results due to the tough keratin protein that makes up the hair. They are effective and will save you from many side effects that may result due to continual use of chemical-laden products. They include -

A mixture of 5-6 drops of lemon juice and one teaspoon of coarsely ground oatmeal with a little honey added to form a paste can be used. Apply the paste to the affected areas of the skin and wait for 15 to 20 minutes as it is being absorbed. Follow the procedure by gently rubbing your face in the direction of your hair growth for 4 to 5 minutes then wash off with water. Continue with the same procedure two to three times every week. While scabbing, you not only get rid of undesired hair on the face, but also keep your skin hydrated, smooth, and soft while it is protected from harmful UV rays.

Fenugreek (Methi)
Equal quantities of fenugreek and green gram can be ground to powder form and mixed thoroughly. Prepare a paste out of the mixture by adding water and spread it on the face. After 15 minutes, rub off the paste using a soft dry towel. The fenugreek seeds relieve several skin problems including removing facial hair.

Orange or Lemon Peel Mask
Vitamin C in orange or lemon peels bleaches the facial hair in a very natural way making them invisible on the skin. When mixed with some exfoliating agents like oatmeal and almond, they help in getting rid of the undesired hair. Make paste out of the above ingredients in equal proportions and apply it on the face by rubbing before you rinse it off with warm water after 10 minutes. Do this three to four times every week.

Other natural remedies that are effective include barley, honey, galantine peel, turmeric-papaya paste, egg sugar paste, and corn flour among other. However, it should be noted that the pastes discussed above should not be applied near the eyebrows and the eyes. If it happens accidentally, then wash off with water to prevent irritations in the eye.

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