Natural home remedies for body odor

Many people normally believe that body odor always results from excessive sweating that is not the case since body odor does not have anything to do with the sweat. Sweat is odorless, and it is the bacteria present on the surface of the skin that causes body odor when one perspires. The body contains two types of sweat glands namely, the namely apocrine and eccrine glands.

The eccrine glands secrets water and salts as apocrine glands are found distributed in the hair follicles like in the armpit, scalp, and the groin. The apocrine glands secrete proteins and fat that breakdown in the skin surface to form odor with the help of the bacteria on the skin surface. There are many different natural home remedies that can be used to cure body odor. The treatment is necessary since the body odor makes people feel frustrated and embarrassed. Some of the well known natural remedies are summarized as below.

Take two showers regularly

It is recommended to take a shower at least three times within a day for those who have intense body odor. However, those living in quite warm and humid environments should shower more than three times a day. The regular showering removes the sweat in the groin, armpit, chest and the feet hence automatically prevent the interaction of the sweat and the bacteria in the skin. It thus helps in reducing the body odor.

Eat healthy foods

There are types of food that result in excessive perspiration in the body leading to increasing in the body odor. It is advisable to avoid foods like spices, alcohol, red meat and caffeinated drinks since they aggravate the perspiration rate in the body of an individual.

Use baking soda

Baking soda is a proven natural deodorant that can be rubbed in the armpit after having a shower. The soda helps in keeping these armpit areas dry hence resisting any sweat.

Wear clean clothes

It is better to put on clothes that are not only comfortable but are also clean. Tight clothes restrict the natural blood flow process resulting in perspiration and body odor. They as well harbor bacteria in the body that further aggravate the body odor. Loose clothing is advisable as they allow air to the skin surface allowing immediate drying out of sweat that might cause odor.

Use herbal oil

Many herbal extract oils such as alum, mint leaves, and rose water can be used while bathing. These oils are proven to freshen up the senses, the mind, and the body hence helps in controlling unpleasant body odor.

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