Amazing home remedies for treating wrinkles

Wrinkles on the face are always known to be a sign of aging where the collagen in the skin looses causing the skin to appear creased or wrinkled. Although the appearance of wrinkles is a normal biological process, it can speed up by free radicals and UV rays. The wrinkles should hence be controlled before they snatch the beauty of the skin. They make people look older than they hence need treatment.

Wrinkles occurs due to smoking, aging, sun exposure, genetics, stress, dehydration pollution, weight loss, free radicals, lack of proper skin care and poor diet. Affected skin will show symptoms like saggy face, deep furrows, fine lines, and crow’s feet. The following remedies can hence be used in treating the disorder.

pineapple-wrinklePineapple is known to contain vitamin C, which is effective for skin care, especially to get rid of wrinkles. Apply pineapple pulp on the skin and rinse thoroughly with warm water after 10 to 15 minutes. The pineapple juice can also be used to massage the face in circular motion as it will improve the circulation of blood, tone the skin and remove wrinkles.

Milk powder
A mixture of 2 teaspoons of honey and five tablespoons of milk powder can be put in a glass of warm water. The mixture is hence applied to the face and washed off thoroughly with warm water after 10 to 15 minutes. The honey will always give the skin a blow as the powdered milk makes the skin softer without any wrinkles.

Bananas when mashed in a bowl using a fork until you eliminate the consistency of the skin. Apply the paste on the skin and rinse thoroughly with warm water after 3o minutes. Be careful not to rub the skin till it gets dry as this will dry the moisture in the skin that is essential for the skin nourishment.

It is proven to be effective in many effective benefits in treating wrinkle in the skin, especially when green tea is taken. Drinking tea every day is said to detoxify the skin giving a fresh younger look on the screen.

Olive oil

Olive oil is a proven home remedy for many skin disorders, and wrinkles in the face are not an exception. It hydrates the skin hence returning it to its normal fresh and moisturized condition. A mixture of a few drops of the oil with lemon is prepared and used to massage the face. It gives the skin a bright and radiant look that is wrinkle-free.    

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