Simple natural asthma remedies

Asthma is a respiratory disease caused by both environmental and genetic factors and can be cured through different asthma remedies. An asthma attack occurs when bronchial tubes are constricted, while attacks can either be mild or severe and sometimes even fatal. The symptoms of asthma are wheezing, coughing and chest tightness.

There are various natural asthma remedies that have been used to reduce the symptoms of the disease;

Increase intake of Omega 3
One of the asthma remedies that is highly recommended is the intake of omega 3 which is found in fish, nuts and seeds. The omega 3 helps reduce inflammation of the lungs and also boosts the immunity against asthma.

Fruits and vegetables
A good source of vitamin C and E is fruits and vegetables; increasing intake of fresh fruits and vegetables reduces lung swelling and inflammation, and is part of asthma remedies that doctors encourage patients to use. Fruits and vegetables also contain antioxidants which get rid of free radicals in the system caused by chemicals that are found in preservatives and processed foods. Simply develop a habit of taking fresh fruit salads and vegetable salads. One can also blend the fruits into juice. Take at least one fresh glass a day.

Vitamin D
Intake of vitamin D is amongst asthma remedies highly recommended by doctors because patients suffering from asthma tend to have low levels of the vitamin. A natural source of Vitamin D is the sun and in foods like eggs, milk and salmon. Bask in the sun more often and include milk and eggs in you diet.

Garlic is a very good source of potassium and vitamin C which are two very important components that help cure and reduce the symptoms of asthma. Garlic hinders the action of some enzymes in the system that causes inflammation in the lungs resulting to attacks. It is one of the many natural asthma remedies that are easy to obtain and can be taken in food, swallowed with water or chewed and swallowed when an attack is imminent.

The fruit is a good source of Vitamin E and high concentration of glutathione compound which protects cells against rapture caused by free radicals and pollutants. Simply eat the fruit pulp or make a smoothie of avocado and drink.

Despite popular belief that exercise can increase the chances of asthma attacks, mild exercises like aerobics and yoga can help in the cure of asthma. Exercises increase circulation of blood and also help open up the lungs for better intake of oxygen. Exercising is one of the many asthma remedies that have led to the cure of the disease and is encouraged by medical practitioners.

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