Home remedies for migraines that work

Home remedies for migraines come in handy when handling pain associated with migraines; a migraine is a type of headache that occurs with much intensity and can occupy only certain areas of head unlike normal headache. Migraines normally have a throbbing or a pounding feeling and are more often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.
There are many different home remedies for migraines. Some of these are discussed below;

Vinegar, when used as one of the home remedies for migraines is applied using a wash cloth which is soaked into the vinegar then placed on the forehead or on the part of the head that is aching and then left for about thirty minutes before being taken off. The 30 minute duration is long enough to allow the vinegar seep through the skin and provide relief from the pain.

Butterbur is a plant that contains two active substances known as petasin and isopetasin. These substances are known to reduce inflammation and to get rid of spasms. Among the home remedies for migraines, butterbur is among the most useful because all parts of the plant such as the roots, leaves, and the bulb are all used to treat migraines. To use the plant, one can grind any of the usable parts into paste and apply directly on the head or ingest the extracts in the form of capsules.

Feverfew herb
The feverfew plant’s leaves is one of the known home remedies for migraines; the leaves, though bitter, can be chopped and used in salads which and can be sweetened with some honey. The leaves can be naturally dried and used to make herbal tea.

Taking a hot shower
Another good example of home remedies for migraines is simply taking a hot shower; migraines work by making the muscles tense so showering with hot water gives relief because the water penetrates the skin and relaxes the neck muscles.

High stress levels and tension are the known leading triggers of migraines; exercise alleviates all forms of stress and tension and relaxes the body which makes it one of the best home remedies for migraines. In addition to reducing stress levels, exercise also enhances the secretion of endorphin which is a natural mild sedative for the body.

Treatment using ice

Ice as one of the remedies for migraines works by numbing the nerves to the head and reduces pain. To use the remedy, simply place an ice bag around the neck or move is slowly around the neck area. Ice is one of the simplest remedies for migraines.

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