Natural anxiety remedies that can be used at home

There are many different natural anxiety remedies that one can take to help reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety. Anxiety is a common problem among many people and at least each one of us has experienced some form of anxiety in our lives. In plain English, one can define anxiety as a feeling of unrest, worry or a feeling of nervousness due to uncertainty of the outcome of an activity, event or situation. There are many different types of anxiety and the common examples include post traumatic stress, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety and general anxiety among others.
Examples of natural anxiety remedies include the following;

Chamomile can be used to make herbal tea that can be taken as one of the natural anxiety remedies. Patients suffering from anxiety can use both the dried leaves of the chamomile plant or the flowers in the teas to help them calm down.

Green tea
The active amino acid in green tea known as L-theanine is known to curb high blood pressure and rising heart rates and to reduce anxiety. Green tea has been used by Japanese monks for meditation for centuries because of its calming effect. Depending on the levels on anxiety, one can take between 5 to 20 cups of green tea in a day as one of the natural anxiety remedies.

Lemon balm
This herb has been used for many centuries to cure anxiety disorders because of its compounds that provide a calming effect to the mind. In is also known to induce sleep and is one of the best natural anxiety remedies because it helps curb insomnia associated with anxiety. The herb is mainly dried and used to make tea but can also be available in tinctures or capsules.

Physical exercising is one of the best natural anxiety remedies if not the overall best; it gives the best instant solution for depression and also provides long term relief from anxiety when regularly done. Knowing that you are healthy helps alleviate many stresses because some of the factors that accelerate anxiety are the worry of being unhealthy or succumbing to chronic health conditions.

Holding your breath

This is one of the simplest but most effective natural anxiety remedies.  The technique works because it is not possible for one to be anxious and hold his or her breath at the same time. To get relief, completely exhale from your mouth then inhale deeply through the nose and then hold your breath to a count of about seven and exhale again. This can be repeated a couple of times till results are achieved and can be used alongside other natural anxiety remedies.

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