Administering a good constipation remedy at home

A good constipation remedy will provide relief to the person suffering and ease bowel movements in no time. Medically speaking, constipation is the difficulty in bowel movement or a condition in which the bowel movements become less frequent as compared to normal movement. The bowel movements occur differently in different people with some able to experience 3 movements a day while some people experience the movements just twice a week. All in all, any bowel movement lasting longer than three days should be considered unhealthy.

Constipation remedy is necessary because the longer the bowel movements take before they occur the harder the stool gets and the harder it is to pass.  Anyone experiencing fewer than two bowel movements a week, hard stools most of the time and straining during bowel movement should use a constipation remedy.
Constipation is caused by insufficient water intake, insufficient fiber in the diet, excessive consumption of dairy products, lack of exercise and depression among many others. Below are some of the items that can serve as constipation remedy;

Spinach is known as the best constipation remedy that can treat even the most persistent constipation. The vegetable has compounds that are known to cleanse and rebuild the digesting tract.  One can make 100 ml of spinach juice and mix with equal amount water then drink at least twice every day to trigger bowel movement.

Eating oranges
Even though known as a good source of vitamin C, oranges are also very rich in fiber contents. Eating one orange in the morning and one in the evening is a good constipation remedy.

The fig fruit is also a very good constipation remedy. The figs, either dried or fresh can be boiled in one glass on milk then taken before bed. The mixture should be taken warm for good results.

Grain products
These products offer easily available at home constipation remedy; they include bread, cereals and other vegetables such as peas. It is good to eat whole grain products such as whole-wheat bread or even whole-grain cereal. These high fiber products should be eaten early in the day especially for breakfast to get rid of constipation.

Olive oil

Olive oil is also a very good constipation remedy and should be taken on an empty stomach before eating anything to provide lubrication for the colon. Taking just one tablespoon of oil or one tablespoon of olive oil and lemon in the morning before eating anything provides a good constipation remedy for the day.

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