Effective home migraine remedies

Migraine remedies are used to treat the severe pain that comes with the migraine headache. Migraine is different from normal headache because of the intensity of the pains and the accompanying nervous system responses such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
The common causes of migraines include allergies, tension headache, over usage of alcohol and both physical and emotional stress among others. There are a number of migraine remedies that one can administer to alleviate the pain and other symptoms that are associated with migraines. These are discussed in detail below;

Exercising serves as one of the major home migraines remedies. This is because exercise reduces tension and stress level which are known key triggers of migraines. Exercise also helps in the secretion of endorphin which is a natural mild sedative for the body.

Leaves of the feverfew plant can be used as one of the natural home migraine remedies. The leaves of the plant can be eaten directly even though they may be bitter. You can simply chop the leaves and add to the salad or sandwich. They can also be sweetened with honey or other sweet material. One can also dry the leaves whole and store them for use when needed. Dried leaves also work as good as fresh leaves in providing migraine remedies and can be used in making herbal tea.

Using butterbur
The compounds of this plant have been used as one of the migraine remedies for many years. Butterbur has substances known as petasin and isopetasin which reduce spasms and inflammation. The leaves, roots and the bulb of the plant are all used to treat migraines. They can simply be ground into paste and applied on the forehead but in most cases, the compounds are extracted and ingested as capsules.

Long hot shower
Taking a long hot shower is also known to be one of the good migraine remedies; hot water penetrating the neck helps create a relaxed feeling since migraines cause the muscles of the neck to be tense.

Using vinegar
Vinegar can also be used as one of the migraine remedies at home; a wash cloth soaked in vinegar is placed on the forehead or the part of the head that hurts the most for sometime to allow the vinegar seep into the skin. Letting the soaked cloth stay on the hurting part for about 30 minutes is known to provide best results.

Ice treatment

An ice bag can also be used to serve as one of the migraine remedies. Placing the ice bag behind the neck numbs the nerves and reduces the amount of pain associated with migraines. Ice is one of the easiest to use home migraine remedies.

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