Best known natural sore throat remedy

Sore throat can be very painful and very irritating in adverse conditions and it is very important to know a good natural remedy for sore throat. There are various causes of sore throat but the common ones include streptococci bacteria, common cold, measles, chicken pox, flu and many others such as diphtheria, allergies, dryness and irritants.

There are different items and procedures that one can use to serve as a sore throat remedy because in most instances the symptoms go away without the intervention of a doctor.

Honey is a good natural sore throat remedy that works by drawing fluids from the tissues that are inflamed. It also has antibacterial properties which makes it speed up the rate of healing. It can be administered by adding two teaspoonfuls of honey in hot water or if preferred, in herbal tea then drinking it.

Horehound is a plant that naturally serves as sore throat remedy.  To use the remedy, simply add 2 teaspoons of the chopped herb into 1 cup boiling water and let boil for 10 minutes then sieve and drink. The plant has compounds that reduce the swelling of the inflamed tissues in the throat and also thins mucus, making it easy to clear the throat.

Warm salty water gargle
Gargling warm salty water is also a good natural sore throat remedy; the warm water reduces the swelling of the inflamed sore throat tissues. 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in ¾ glass of water should be gargled very hour till the pain is gone.

Eating citrus fruits
Lemon or lime can be used as a natural sore throat remedy because it contains natural antibacterial compounds. Both are also very rich in vitamin C and greatly boost immunity. One can add lemon in hot water to drink or if you can stand the sourness simply eat the fruit to provide relief from sore throat pains.

Slippery elm
This tree has been used as remedy for several ailments for many years. When used as sore throat remedy, the inner bark of the plant is used because it contains a gel-like substance that expands when mixed with water. This mucilage is known to relieve sore throat and to give a soothing effect. The bark is simply ground into powder and used to make slippery elm tea that is drunk as sore throat remedy.

Raspberry tea gargle

Raspberries can also be used s natural sore throat remedy. The leaves are used to make raspberry tea that is gargled for relief from sore throat; simply boil the leaves with a cupful of water then strain and allow the solution to cool before gargling as sore throat remedy.

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