Home remedies for allergy

Allergy can be described as the reaction by the body’s immune system to substances that are not normally harmful to the body. Allergies occur as a result of the body treating harmless substances as threats and thereby using inappropriate response to the substances.

Allergies cause other symptoms such as runny nose, skin rashes, stomach problems, vomiting and times even severe problems such as difficulty in breathing. There are many remedies for allergy that one can use at home. Below are some of the common examples;

One tablet of this herb thrice a day is known to clear allergies. It is known to work just as good as antihistamines. One good thing about butterbur is that it does not cause drowsiness.

Saline water
Salt water is used to treat allergies that cause stuffiness of the sinuses. Neti pots are specially made containers that are used for rinsing the nose using a salt solution. The cleaning helps in flushing out allergens such as dust and pollen from the sinuses. To use the pots, fill it with warm water and salt then slightly tilt the head and fill one nose with the salt solution till it flows from the other nose and then repeat the same with the other nose.

Honey from your locality
Eating honey from your area is known to help get rid of allergy to pollen. The theory is that since the bees transfer pollen from flower to flower while they collect the nectar, they carry some on their bodies back to the hive and this mixes with honey they make. When this honey is taken, it gradually helps your body get used to the pollen and thus stops the allergy.

Showering is a good method of treating allergy; this is because the steaming effects of hot showers helps clear blocked sinuses and air passages. The shower also helps wash away allergens that may be on the skin especially when one has been outdoors for some time undertaking different activities such as gardening.

Eucalyptus oil

This is one of the common home remedies for blocked sinuses. The oil can be used to clear allergy that blocks the sinuses and other air passages. The oil is normally used with steam where one fills a large bowl with hot water then adds a few drops of eucalyptus oil. He or she then uses a towel to cover the head to trap the steam then lowers the head gently towards the bowl so as to inhale the steam to clear the allergy.

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