Home care tips for pregnancy

During pregnancy many women become very vulnerable to many health conditions and to many other risks. There are many different things a pregnant woman can observe to be both physically comfortable and healthy at all times. Some the care tips are discussed below;

There are many forms of exercises women can undertake during pregnancy. Rigorous and very intense physical activities are however discouraged because it can cause harm to both the mother and the baby in the womb. Some of the safe exercises during pregnancy include aerobics which is any form of prolonged exercising such as walking, swimming and cycling. The pregnant woman can also lift small weights for increased muscles and strength, and stretching to make the body more flexible.
Some of the general exercise activities that can be done during pregnancy include fishing, medium paced jogging, canoeing, dancing and house painting among others.

Avoiding unhealthy habits
During pregnancy, women should avoid unhealthy habits that may worsen their health conditions or threaten the well being of the unborn child. Some the habits that should be avoided during pregnancy includes, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and being exposed to passive smoke, and avoiding injuries to the abdominal area of the body.

General care
There are many conditions during pregnancy that pregnant women may need to take care of. Some of the common ones include tenderness of the breasts that can be taken care of using supportive bras, taking plenty of fluids and high fiber food to avoid constipation, arising slowly from certain positions to stop dizziness, and having enough rest to avoid fatigue.
Other forms of care include eating of in small quantities to avoid heartburns, taking a low salt diet to avoid high blood pressure and taking light meals in the morning to avoid nausea.

Dressing during pregnancy requires wearing of loose fitting clothes made of fabrics that are comfortable to the skin. The clothes should not be too heavy and should allow for easy flow of air around the body. Your choice of shoes during pregnancy also matters; generally, a pregnant woman should wear flat-soled shoes that are light and easy to walk around in. High heels should be avoided at all times because they can be uncomfortable and can make someone trip and fall. Falling is highly discouraged during pregnancy because it is a number one cause of miscarriages.

Healthy diet

Pregnancy requires one to take keep a balanced diet and mothers should avoid raw meats since it can contribute to birth defects. Also avoid hot tubs and sauna during pregnancy because the heat can cause birth defects and can lead to miscarriage.

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