Home remedies for getting rid of smelly hair

Unpleasant odor emanating from your tresses may make you feel very uncomfortable and put you in a very awkward situation. It is hence advisable to take a proper measure of the bad smell to avoid low self-esteem and public embarrassment that may result due to the bad smell in the hair. Smelly Hair Syndrome is the major cause of the stinking smell. The syndrome occurs as a result of poor personal hygiene, overactive sebaceous glands on the scalp, excessive sweating, a hormonal imbalance, fungal and bacterial infections. In some cases, long exposure to environmental pollution and chemicals contributes to reeking hair also lead to bad smell.

Even though smelly hair occurs in both men and women, it is not at all a very serious problem that does not have treatment.  It can be alleviated by adopting some of the following natural home remedies and dietary measures.

Tomato juice
Tomatoes are proven to be natural pH balancers that can be used as cleansers to give odor free hair to the scalp. Depending on your hair length, use as many tomatoes as required and extract their juice. Use to juice to massage all of the hair then wash with a mild shampoo after 20 to 30 minutes. This can be applied 2 to 3 times a week until the smell completely disappears. The tomato juice will also lighten the hair color giving it a glowing look.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps in adding luster, averting frizzes, and restates the normal hair PH. It cleanses the hair eradicating all the elements that cause bad smell. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of warm water and use it to rinse the hair before washing it off with 3 minutes water. Alternatively, ½ a cup of organic apple cider vinegar can be mixed with 2 cups of water and three drops of essential oil. Such oils can be lavender or rose oil solutions that are then sprayed on the hair and washed off with cold water.

Honey and cinnamon
Cinnamon and Honey has antifungal and antibacterial properties that keep the hair off from infections that can cause bad smell. One teaspoon of cinnamon powder is mixed with a cup of boiling water before adding a teaspoon of honey. Spread the mixture in the scalp and rinse it off with warm water after 45 minutes. A mask of the two mixtures is also used to lighten the hair.

Olive oil
Gently massage the whole of the scalp using olive oil since it has incredible soothing properties that lessen bad odor and itchiness.

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